Claudia black

Claudia Claudia 2 Teryl Teryl 2 HowThe role of an hermaphrodite, in 1998's guest appearance in the quirky crime-drama Good Guys Bad Guys also got her noticed. The actress was a character in an alien world as one of the characters in the movie of 2000 "Pitch Black" She was also contacted to participate in auditions for a sci-fi show which was set to premiere in Australia. The casting agent believed that Black would make a great actress for the part, despite the fact that producers of the show were planning to recruit a woman from the US. Black recorded a demo then was later invited to Sydney to audition. She landed the role of Aeryn on "Farscape." The actress not only showed her character's strength and toughness however, she developed a powerful sexual relationship with Ben Browder as human astronaut John Crichton. Aeryn became an increasingly interesting and watchable character. the actress gained fans of a cult. At the conclusion of the season, Black appeared on two seasons of "Stargate SG-1" as Vala Mal Doran and she continued to increase her voiceover work for film, TV and video games. The role was a regular one in "The Originals" , Black returned to serial television for the thriller "Containment" The exotic-looking brunette who could project both power and a sensual air, Australian actress Claudia Black earned a cult following with her co-starring role as Aeryn Sun who is a commando pilot, trained to keep her feelings under control, on "Farscape" (Sci-Fi Channel from 1999 to 2003). She had a chance to win her 1990 Globe Shakespeare competition and toured Europe as Portia on the stage in "The Merchant of Venice."


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